Sailing the virtual seas!

Our mission is to develop and empower creators by offering support to be their best, creative selves in hopes that they will garner support for the ships and aircraft we love. VFleet seeks to raise awareness and support for the nonprofit foundations that
are charged with the preservation and restoration of ship museums and aircraft.

Through entertainment and community building,
VFleet seeks to aid in their mission!

Museum Ships


Currently, there are 175 museum ships organized as Nonprofit Museums. There are only 8 battleships, 5 aircraft carriers, as well as multiple cruisers, destroyers, supply ships, and submarines left from the 20th century. These museums are at risk of being forgotten and being sent to the scrapyard as time goes on and generations pass. Without support from visitors and donors, this is their fate. IT'S ON THE NEXT GENERATION TO SAVE THESE SHIPS!

Be your

Best self!

Our Talent and Mission are our priority! VFleet talents stream in hopes of connecting a new generation to these museums in their unique way. Through entertainment and community building the Talents of VFleet hope to build a platform that can make real, impactful change for these museums and continue to emphasize their relevancy in educating the public about history, technology, science, and the stories of those who served.


Donations & Support

We encourage you to support our talents on their streaming journeys! However, VFleet asks you to consider donating to the nonprofit naval and aerospace museums that inspired this project. If there is a museum ship near you, we encourage a donation and a visit! Your support matters!